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The international crowds are usually electric, and that was no different as Kevin Owens’ entrance opened the show. Owens showcased his signature intensity, a bit of a callback from the more friendly version of the prizefighter that we have seen during this build with Cody Rhodes.

Rhodes, as usual, drew a massive pop from the Berlin crowd. Unlike his SummerSlam entrance, Rhodes opted to not wear the American Nightmare skull helmet. WWE flashed a decibel meter during the champion’s entrance to illustrate the sound level as the crowd sang “Kingdom.”

As the match begin, Owens remained perched atop the turnbuckle before cautiously descending and staring down Rhodes in the center of the ring, drawing a massive ovation from the crowd. The two men shook hands before engaging in a collar-and-elbow tie up. Owens powered Rhodes into the ropes before breaking the hold and both competitors exchanging headlocks resulting in a pair of big shoulder blocks from Owens.

Owens illustrated his scouting of Rhodes by countering an attempted Cody Cutter and Disaster Kick. Owens kept momentum by evading a CrossRhodes, but Rhodes himself managed to escape a Stunner from Owens and both men came nose-to-nose as the intensity picked up.

Rhodes went for a suicide dive but Owens was able to catch him and send him into the ring apron. Rhodes scrambled back into the ring and was able to hit a Disaster Kick, sending Owens back down to the floor. A successful suicide dive allowed Rhodes to finally gain the upper hand and score the first two near-falls of the match.

The match slowed down a bit afterwards, with Rhodes locking in two submission moves, including a Figure Four, but Owens was able to get both holds broken by grabbing the bottom rope. Owens rallied after the submissions, countering an attempted shoulder through the ropes to send Rhodes from the ring apron to the barricade. Owens stayed on the offensive with a frog splash and began to focus on Rhodes’ midsection.

Owens’ offense was halted shortly after and both men landed clotheslines on each other, knocking each other down. Rhodes was able to rally after this sequence, landing a scoop powerslam and Disaster Kick for another near-fall. Rhodes’ next attempt at a signature move was countered by Owens into a release German suplex. Despite this, Rhodes immediately regained momentum by landing a Cody Cutter on his third attempt of the match.

After a brief sequence of trading blows, Owens landed what appeared to be a modified gut-wrench brainbuster onto his knee for his most significant move of the match and a near-fall. Owens climbed to the top rope but was met by Rhodes. Owens was able to come out on top here, landing a massive avalanche rolling senton for another near-fall and drew “this is awesome” chants from the crowd.

After kicking out, Rhodes went for a Disaster Kick, which Owens countered into a Stunner attempt. Rhodes was able to counter the Stunner into a CrossRhodes for a near-fall. The major moments did not slow as Rhodes’ attempt at a Superplex was countered into an avalanche brainbuster by Owens. Rhodes kicked out of the subsequent pin and set up a slugfest between the two in the center of the ring.

As Rhodes went for a Cody Cutter off the top turnbuckle, Rhodes sold a knee injury that had been referenced by Owens as a weak spot for the champion. Owens, conflicted by exploiting the injury, refused to hit a powerbomb on Rhodes onto the ring apron, instead sending the champion back into the ring. Rhodes went for a quick roll-up pin, which Owens kicked out of and landed a Stunner for yet another near-fall.

Owens taunted Rhodes, saying “you asked for this” before the champion capitalized and went for the triple CrossRhodes. Before Rhodes landed the third finisher, Owens countered and hit a Stunner, but Rhodes again kicked out of the pin.

As Owens went for a Swanton Bomb off the top rope Rhodes was able to get his knees up and hit a CrossRhodes to win the match.

Cody Rhodes pins Kevin Owens in 23:20 to retain the Undisputed WWE Championship.

After the match, Owens looked distraught as Rhodes pleaded with him. The two men embraced and Owens raised Rhodes’ hand in victory. It was notable that Owens shoved the cameraman out of his face during his hug with Rhodes and refused to let Rhodes raise his hand.
