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Dave and Adam’s Card World initiated a sports card gold rush by announcing a $1 million bounty to the lucky collector who pulled Connor Bedard’s Young Guns Gold Outburst one-of-one on March 4, 2024.

It is important to note that there was never mention of a possible expiration date of the $1 million bounty back in March.

The $1 million bounty sent the sports card community into a frenzy.

Sports card enthusiasts ripped box after box hoping to find the coveted Bedard Gold Outburst. People who never dreamed of buying a box of hockey cards were now buying Upper Deck 2023-24 Series Two Hockey cases at a time!

There is no telling how many cases of Upper Deck 2023-24 Series Two Hockey have been sold by retailers around the world.

There is no telling how many cases of Upper Deck 2023-24 Series Two Hockey that Dave and Adam’s Card World have sold over the last ten months.

Dave & Adam's Card World update on the $1 million bountyDave & Adam's Card World update on the $1 million bounty

Dave & Adam’s Card World update on the $1 million bounty

Bounty Expired

Dave and Adam’s Card World was very quick to post about the $1 million bounty last March. There was less enthusiasm for Dave and Adam’s Card World to announce the expiration of the $1 million bounty on Dec. 9.

There was never an official social media post or warning of the bounty soon expiring. Just the small print above.

Bad Optics by Dave and Adam’s Card World

Let us start by acknowledging a $1 million bounty is extremely generous. Who would not trade a small piece of cardboard for $1 million that came from a $300 box?

The main issue is that collectors, breakers, hobby enthusiasts, influencers, and people willing to gamble have been chasing the Bedard Young Guns Gold Outburst one-of-one for ten months. Everyone is heavily invested in the chase. Tens of millions of dollars have been invested.

The concern is the sudden expiration of the bounty without notice. Imagine if they stopped putting expiration dates on gallons of milk? The milk tasted just fine yesterday and today it smelled funny.

Dave and Adam’s Card World just served a glass of bad milk to the entire sports card community.

While we will never know exactly how many cases of Upper Deck 2023-24 Series Two Hockey that Dave and Adam’s Card World sold. It is safe to assume millions have been profited over the last ten months.

The sports card community has been paying inflated prices for Upper Deck Series Two Hockey as a result of the $1 million bounty being offered by Dave and Adam’s Card World. Boxes sold for over $350 USD around release time and are now selling for $230 since the bounty expired.

Did the Bedard Bubble Pop?

Some in the hockey card community have considered Bedard a bust due to his cards declining value. Breakers have had a hard time selling Upper Deck’s 2023-24 hockey products featuring Bedard’s rookie cards. The Blackhawks are commanding up to 40% of the total cost of a group break. It has been a losing proposition for hockey collectors chasing Bedard in breaks due to box prices.

If there is a positive to Dave and Adam’s Card World removing the $1 million bounty, box prices may start to drop.

This Does Not Seem Right

It is hard to find the silver lining in Dave and Adam’s Card World unexpectedly canceling the $1 million bounty. Maybe someone hit the Bedard Young Guns Gold Outburst and did not want the $1 million? If that was the case, it would be nice for that information to be shared.

Despite Bedard’s cards declining value, his Young Guns Gold Outburst could fetch six figures at auction.

Imagine if you pulled that card today? It could be a $900,000 loss. That is crazy to comprehend.

Maybe Dave and Adam’s Will Bring Back the $1 million bounty?

Dave and Adam’s Card World is going to face a lot of negative public relations over the decision to pull the $1 million bounty. Maybe they will do the right thing and bring back the $1 million bounty?

That would drive sales and give them a reason to raise pricing on Upper Deck 2023-24 Series Two Hockey boxes.

Happy hunting and collecting!


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