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Talk about a story with teeth.

Navarre Beach Shark Fishing, located in Northwest Florida on the Gulf of Mexico, caught and released a roughly 13-foot long hammerhead July 31. The fish was the largest shark in the land-based fishing company’s history, it bragged on Facebook this past week.

‘She’s about to get bit. Oh my lord.’ Watch a hammerhead aim for 2 swimmers in Florida

On the post is a picture of the creature, its mammoth mouth halfway out of the water. The caption says the “monster” was successfully de-hooked and sent back to the ocean.

You can see the wild action go down on the NBSF’s YouTube channel.

The video begins with three people taking turns on the sand of Navarre Beach breathlessly cranking and reeling in the gigantic silver fish in knee-deep water.

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After an exhausting back and forth, the thrashing shark emerges.

“That’s a big hammer!” says a man off camera. “Holy cow!”

Under Florida law, hammerheads cannot be harvested and must be released immediately.

“We had her in and out in under 15 minutes tops,” Navarre co-owner Jack Moran told Fox News. “We kept her in the water the whole time to ensure a proper release.”
