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(Image: Moonton)

(Image: Moonton)

RSG luck of the draw at the MLBB Southeast Asia Cup (MSC) isn’t the best, it seems.

Both their Singapore and Malaysia squads will be facing each other in the first series on the tournament, with the Singapore runner-up facing off its Malaysian champion counterpart.

Given that both teams do scrim against each other — the last time being two weeks ago, RSG SG stands a 50 per cent chance of beating their Malaysian brothers, said RSG SG captain Lim “ly4ly4ly4” Yang in an interview with Yahoo Esports.

“I know you guys [RSG MY] just won the championship and we’ve been scrimming partners, but do watch out, because we have a surprise strategy for you guys,” warned ly4ly4ly4, stating that his squad won’t be “holding back”.

“It’s really unfortunate that we have been grouped with each other. One of us will have to win and one of us will lose, but we’re part of the RSG family, so the most important thing is one of us will still move forward to represent the org.”

Whether the surprise strat will pay off though, is another thing altogether. The RSG SG captain, who started playing MLBB competitively four years ago, is still pursuing his dream of an esports pro.

Ly4ly4ly4, who credits current EG Dota 2 player Daryl “Iceiceice” Koh as an inspiration, had started out playing Dota before hopping onto League of Legends. 

He played for the Singapore Sentinels before retiring in 2015, then picked up MLBB and only took a short while to “be very good at it”.

“I’m just a very competitive player and I like to compete in every game I play, so that’s what is driving me,” said ly4ly4ly4.

He also added that he’s been playing games since he was very young, and it was because a friend brought him to a LAN shop that caused him to get hooked on playing Dota.

While he had considered playing overseas to ply his trade, such as in Indonesia, he still wants to help grow the local esports scene here.

“I want to be a part of growing our local esports, that’s why I joined RSG in the first place,” said ly4ly4ly4.

MSC 2021’s first match will feature RSG MY versus RSG SG. It is set to take place on June 7 at 10am (GMT+8).

Aloysius Low is an ex-CNET editor with more than 15 years of experience. He’s really into cats and is currently reviewing products at

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