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This Polish hammer thrower only cares about one thing:

winning a medal at the Tokyo Olympics

(SOUNDBITE) (Polish) POLISH HAMMER THROWER, PAWEL FAJDEK, SAYING: “It doesn’t matter if there are no fans. We are coming to work, our job is to win medals not to look if there are fans in the stands and wonder if people like us or not.”

LOCATION: Poznan, Poland

The four times world champion says the delayed Games proved beneficial

as he managed to achieve better results this year

(SOUNDBITE) (Polish) POLISH HAMMER THROWER, PAWEL FAJDEK, SAYING:”When the games were cancelled, I decided to stop training, I treated myself with three months of doing nothing. Finally, I could have holidays, I felt a bit as if I were on retirement, I did absolutely nothing, I focused on letting my body regenerate and my injuries heal. I knew I would have to start again in November but when your health is absolutely perfect it is so much easier to train. And it has proved to be true, my results this year are undoubtedly better than the ones I achieved in the last few years.”

“We all go there (to the Olympics) to realize our dreams, our plans. The most important goal is to get into the final, to win a medal in the final to give joy to ourselves, to our compatriots, friends, family, coaches.”
