Hrithik Roshan posted a heartwarming picture of a ‘lazy breakfast date’ with his mother Pinkie Roshan. However, funnily enough, the Bollywood star wasn’t the topic of discussion on social media once netizens noticed ‘seelan’ (or seepage) on Hrithik’s wall and scaffolding outside his house.
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Several users pointed out how the two were staples of a Mumbai house while others said that they felt better about their own homes because of the picture. People also appreciated Hrithik’s picture showcasing ‘real intimacy’.
One user even celebrated the fact that they were one step closer to living the ‘celeb life’.
Here are some of the reactions:
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. Read more on Social Buzz by The Quint.Just Mumbai Homes: Twitter Unites Over ‘Seelan’ on Hrithik Roshan’s WallRelief for Telecom Sector: Cabinet Okays 4-Year Moratorium on AGR Dues, 100% FDI . Read more on Social Buzz by The Quint.