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The 2022 class for Nebraska remains at two commits, but that could change soon. One of the hot button topics, besides when will the next commit join the class for Nebraska, is who will the quarterback be in the class? The answer could be the same for both questions.

Richard Torres from San Antonio (Texas) Southside had already left Lincoln on Saturday night trying to get to Dallas for a camp on Sunday at SMU. The 6-foot-6 and 211-pound signal caller had a unique opportunity on Thursday since he got to Lincoln early.

“We got there on Thursday,” Torres said. “We spent a lot of time with the coaches. They showed us around campus, met with the nutritionist, the strength coach and, toured all of the facilities.

“It was really fun and interesting. I liked that I went early because I was there by myself; I was the only recruit. I got a lot of one on one with the coaches. I liked that a lot.”

Torres was joined on Friday by seven other official visitors which gave him some new people to hang out with. He had time on both days to talk to the starting quarterback for Nebraska as well.

“On Friday was cool. I met a lot more of the players and met the recruits that had just flown in. I spent a lot of time with Adrian Martinez on both Thursday and Friday. He’s really cool.”

Torres had a great chance to sit down with the Nebraska quarterbacks coach and offensive coordinator to talk about the Nebraska offense. He saw some similarities between what Nebraska and his high school do offensively.

“Coach (Mario) Verduzco and coach (Matt) Lubick sat down with me and we really talked through the offense and what they see with me,” Torres said. “Honestly, some of it related with the offense at my high school.”

A feel good moment for Torres on the trip was getting a chance to meet some of the offensive linemen. One of the first he saw was the starting right tackle.

“One of the first guys I saw was Bryce Benhart, the right tackle. He’s a big guy. I mean, he’s a really big guy. He’s like 6-foot-9. It’s a good feeling to think about playing behind a guy like that.”

Torres tried to get to Nebraska for the spring game and then come back for an official visit. That didn’t work, but it didn’t hurt NU’s chances to land him. The rating from Torres for the trip was close to perfect.

“It was a 9.9,” Torres said. “That’s fair for me to say. The people there are so loving. The hospitality was great. My family loved it. The offense really sticks out to me, too. It relates a lot to me. They have a lot of resources there and I think that I can really take myself to the League there.”

Nebraska fans saw a lot of listed camps and visits coming up for Torres that were in the state of Texas. Those trips might have indicated a desire to stay a little closer to home, but the trip to Lincoln provided all the answers he and his family needed.

“To me, the trip answered a lot of my questions and all of my parents questions. We all feel very, very comfortable and my mom said that she can see me there at Nebraska. I am going to take these next trips and camps and think about things. Right now, though, I am set on Nebraska.

“I am waiting because I am exploring my options and taking these trips. But if I had to make a decision today, it would be to go to Nebraska. I will probably make a decision after the Kansas State official visit next weekend.”
