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(Photo: Galaxy Racer Twitter)

(Photo: Galaxy Racer Twitter)

Surging Southeast Asian squad Galaxy Racer were crowned the champions of the BTS Pro Series: SEA Season 7 after an incredible run through the tournament that culminated with a reverse sweep over regional powerhouse Fnatic in the best-of-five grand finals on Sunday (15 August).

After finishing the group stage in second place and earning an upper bracket berth in the playoffs, Galaxy Racer looked dominant as they defeated Southeast Asia’s two representatives in The International 10 (TI10) in back-to-back matches. They defeated T1 2-1 in the first round then swept Fnatic 2-0 to become the first team in the grand finals of the region’s latest BTS Pro Series tournament.

Fnatic then swept Team SMG — who were notably coming off of a sweep over T1 themselves — in the lower bracket finals to force a rematch with Galaxy Racer in the grand finals.

Despite getting swept by Galaxy Racer in their previous meeting, Fnatic came out swinging to kick off the grand finals. The latter opened the series with a quick 27-minute victory in game one then followed up with a 34-minute win in game two to take a commanding 2-0 lead.

With their backs against the wall, Galaxy Racer flipped the switch to earn their first win of the finals in game three. Muhammad “inYourdreaM” Rizky on a carry Magnus and Galvin “mizu” Kang Jian Wen (formerly known as Meracle) on an offlane Dragon Knight presented a formidable front line, giving midlaner Vincent “AlaCrity” Hiew Teck Yoong on Templar Assassin the space to dish out huge damage in team fights.

AlaCrity notably had a game-high eight kills against two deaths to lead Galaxy Racer to a 33-minute victory, with inYourdreaM closing out the game in style by landing a four-man Reverse Polarity to force the GG call from Fnatic

Fnatic gave their star carry player, Marc Polo “Raven” Fausto, his signature Terrorblade in game four in the hopes of closing out the series. 

Galaxy Racer countered with a hard carry hero of their own in Medusa for inYourdreaM, with AlaCrity on Void Spirit and mizu on Dragon Knight once again on the flanks. Meanwhile, Support duo Tri “Jhocam” Kuncoro on Lion and Wilson “Poloson” Koh Chin Wei on Winter Wyvern brought up the rear and provided some much-needed disables.

While Raven’s fearsome Terrorblade was able to put Fnatic in a dominant position, Galaxy Racer were able to stall things out long enough for inYourdreaM’s Medusa to acquire Manta Style, Eye of Skadi, Satanic, Daedalus, and Divine Rapier in time for the game-deciding clash around the 40-minute mark. Despite Raven having two lives thanks to the Aegis of the Immortal, Galaxy Racer displayed excellent coordination to somehow emerge victorious after 42 minutes of action and force the finals to a deciding game five.

Both teams looked to take things late in game five, with Galaxy Racer pinning their hopes on inYourdreaM’s Spectre while Fnatic put Raven on Terrorblade once again. However, things looked bleak for Galaxy Racer in the decider after they Fnatic absolutely stomped them in the early game. 

Fnatic were up over 13,000 gold and had a 28-8 kill lead as they readied for one last push at the 33-minute mark with Raven’s fearsome Terrorblade — once again safeguarded by the Aegis — leading the way to what looked like an easy victory. But against all those odds, Galaxy Racer pulled off an incredible defense that ground Fnatic’s momentum to a halt and sparked their comeback.

Mizu on Dark Seer, Jhocam on Nyx Assassin, and poloson on Winter Wyvern were somehow able to find an opening to catch all of Fnatic’s core heroes in their disables. That then allowed inYourdreaM and AlaCrity on Leshrac to come in and dish out the damage, resulting in Fnatic getting teamwiped despite Raven’s Aegis.

Galaxy Racer’s excellent team fight coordination showed out once again as they sealed the deal in the series-deciding clash by the Roshan pit around the 44-minute mark. Poloson landed a crucial three-man Winter’s Curse that caught three Fnatic heroes, allowing the rest of Galaxy Racer to swoop in and take down four enemy heroes without buyback.

With no defenders left to stop the oncoming tide, Fnatic were forced to call GG at the 46-minute mark, thus completing Galaxy Racer’s incredible reverse sweep and handing them the championship of BTS Pro Series: SEA Season 7.

Galaxy Racer claimed the grand prize of US$18,000 as well as an additional US$2,000 from their wins in the group stage, bringing their total winnings from the tournament to US$20,000. Meanwhile, Fnatic took home US$11,000 in consolation.

While Galaxy Racer will still have to watch Fnatic and T1 compete in TI10 from home, their victories over them in their run to the championship of BTS Pro Series: SEA Season 7 certainly solidifies them as the team to watch in Southeast Asia for the next iteration of the Dota Pro Circuit.


Galaxy Racer:

  1. Muhammad “inYourdreaM” Rizky

  2. Vincent “AlaCrity” Hiew Teck Yoong

  3. Galvin “mizu” Kang Jian Wen

  4. Tri “Jhocam” Kuncoro on Lion 

  5. Wilson “Poloson” Koh Chin Wei


  1. Marc Polo “Raven” Fausto

  2. Ng “ChYuan” Kee Chyuan

  3. Yang “Deth” Wu Heng

  4. Anucha “Jabz” Jirawong

  5. Djardel “DJ” Mampusti

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