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On how proud he is of the team

So proud of them. Couldn’t be more proud. I knew the team was focused and determined as they have been all season. This is a locker room of heroes. We talked about it last night. We don’t need one or two heroes, we need a whole team of them. It was a great team win.

On going pass-heavy in the first half

Couple things. We knew that we could make those kind of plays. CJ really got us started, Cornelius Johnson, with the catch and broke the tackle, 75 yards. I think the very next time we came back, if I’m not mistaken, one play 75-yard touchdown. We never got away from the running game. The thing about the run game, it can wear on you. It’s why it’s usually better as the game goes on. Love Donovan Edwards, man. When he gets free you don’t even think about it. It’s going to be a touchdown. Great to see those 75 and 85-yard runs. Those were huge. Defense, another tremendous job. Jesse Minter and Clink, the rest of the defensive staff, Mike Elston, George Helow, Jay Harbaugh, another great job. Second half defense did an incredible job. We felt like any kind of stop was going to be like gold. We weren’t going to mess up any kind of stop with any penalty or even if they got into a punting situation, being offside or roughing the punter. Those stops were like gold to us coming into this game. It was great that we got so many in this game. Just can’t say enough about the players, the coaches, they’re incredible. It’s a happy locker room as you can imagine, they’re down there giving thanks to God. As I said, it’s a spiritual team. They’re happy, they’re celebrating but they’re giving thanks.

On what the difference is now between Michigan and Ohio State

I don’t know, that seems like a lot of years to some onion. Just happy. Happy with our team, thought it was a great team effort. Played great. Played as well as you can ask them to play. Couldn’t be more happy, more proud of them. Move on to next week, great to be able to play in the championship game and we’ll get ready for that.

On what the game could do for J.J. McCarthy

I’ve always said it, he’s got it. He’s got that “it” factor in every way. First-year starter. I don’t think there’s any first-year starter at Michigan that has gone 12-0 and, in their first game starting against Ohio State at Ohio State, to play that great, everybody on our team knows it. I don’t know how to answer your question. What can that do for him? He already has it. He’s already got it. Just keep rolling with him.

On using J.J. McCarthy’s legs

It’s happening, it’s been happening a lot. Second half, we started, hey, let’s run J.J., he was just on fire in every way. Running the ball, throwing the ball, just so focused and determined. Like the rest of the team was, it was a team that was very focused and determined. You could see it in him.

On what it means to get the win in Columbus

It feels great to sing The Victors in Columbus. Our team really earned it in every way.

On whether he’s gained control of the rivalry

Just how I feel is our team really paid the price. They put in all the work and that’s what they did. Just the hard work, the sweat, you sweat every other game to get to this game and to get to this opportunity. We’re thankful to be where we were, we’re right where we wanted to be. Came down here, players were all focused and determined to win the game.

On Ohio State’s defense

Did I see a great defense? I saw a great defense. I’ve been seeing it all year. Been seeing a tremendous offensive line, the protection was great again, moving people up front. I’ve seen a quarterback that’s got it. Staff that does an incredible job, players that play their hearts out. Play with incredible effort. All the things that we’ve been seeing. Wasn’t anything new. Saved some things, had some nice things. Emptied the playbook in a lot of ways. Got the deep shots. Saved some things for this game. Overall, no, that’s what it’s been this entire season. Really, love these guys, give all the credit to the players and the coaches. Appreciate it and I’ll let you guys talk to them.

On Mike Sainristil

Mikey is an incredible player for us. Offensively, all had the penitent for making the big play. Do anything, block, just like all of our receivers. They would block, they’re happy for the other guy’s success. Somebody gets a touchdown. Running backs, to get a block for somebody, do anything for the team. That’s our receiving group. Cornelius, Ronnie Bell, A.J. Henning, he’ll do anything, so will Andrel Anthony. Anything for the team. Roman Wilson, anything for the team. Mikey certainly was that guy. Asked Mikey if he would consider going over to defense, figured it was going to be tough to replace Dax Hill, just felt like Mikey had the skillset for it and he was smart enough to able to do that and play both ways. Also, he was willing to. He was just so good at it. Right off the bat. Disciplined Athlete With Grit, yes he does have that DAWG in him, no doubt about it. He was so good at it. Jyst started olaying him at nickel and corner all the time. That play he made, that PBU in the endzone and others, the way he tackles, he’ll do anything for the team. Same with my guy right here Mike Barrett. Great fifth-year senior, great captain, hope you come back next year. And you too, Mike. I can’t have it any better. There’s no coach in America that can have it any better than to have this group of players. Every single one of them. Just love them.

On the Kalel Mullings play

It’s a play we worked on. They were really crowding the line of scrimmage. It’s a play we’ve saved for the entire year, really built up for it. It’s a Blake Corum play, he’s had the msot reps on it. With Kalel kind of auditioning, just felt like he was the one to throw it. So very few reps that he had, what a guy. There’s nobody that will do more for the team than Kalel Mullings. Running back, linebacker, then we brought him back to running back early in August to really be a big back for us. Nikhai Hill-Green got hurt, so we had to keep Kalel at linebacker. This week, brought Kalel back to the offensive side. About two or three days into it, of practice, you could see he was getting back into the form he was in during August. Also, liked the way he was throwing the ball. But he just executed it really good. What we saw was just how tight they were playing to the line of scrimmage. A great job by Schoony adjusting the ball.

On Donovan Edwards situation being about pain management

When Donovan first got here, he was a midyear freshman and he had just come off of surgery and was in a cast for all—the whole spring practice—6, 7, 8 weeks. And one point I remember distinctly saying—because he was catching everything with a cast—if he could catch everything, certainly everybody without a cast could catch. Remember that, Mike? So I little doubt that—there was no pain management and it’s just that there was not a lot of pain or he’s just that tough of a guy because he there’s no pain management to it. Other than how he’s managing it. He just comes and comes.
