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U.S. House to vote Thursday on infrastructure bill

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has delayed a vote on President Joe Biden’s $1 trillion infrastructure bill to later this week.It was originally slated for Monday, now it will be taken up just before government funding is set to lapse on October 1st.The bill, seen as central to Biden’s economic agenda, would help fund road, bridge, airport, school and other construction projects.It passed the Senate last month with Democratic and Republican support.Earlier on Sunday, Pelosi said she would not bring the legislation to a vote until she was sure it would pass and expressed confidence at its prospects.She has, however, not yet set a date to bring to the floor a larger, $3.5 trillion social welfare and climate bill – the cost of which has divided Democrats and is still under negotiation.Pelosi did say Sunday it was, quote, ‘self evident’ that the larger spending bill might shrink in size.Democrats also have not yet agreed on timing of the two measures.Some progressive lawmakers insist the $1 trillion infrastructure bill be held back until the bigger one is ready.While moderates want it enacted whatever the progress on the larger package.All this – as Congress fast approaches the Thursday deadline to continue funding federal agencies – or face the second partial government shutdown in three years.
