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Photo credit: Kevin C. Cox - Getty Images

Photo credit: Kevin C. Cox – Getty Images

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Los Angeles Rams wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr sustained a non-contact knee injury during a catch in last night’s Super Bowl LVI game against the Cincinnati Bengals, forcing him off the field early.

“On initial view, things look pretty concerning,” says YouTuber and sports medicine fellow Dr. Brian Sutterer, who reviews the footage of Beckham’s injury in a new video on his channel in an attempt to provide Rams fans with a prognosis. He points out that as he planted mid-catch, Beckham landed on his left foot first, placing weight on his left knee, where he has suffered an ACL tear in the past.

“There’s a tendency for his knee to want to fall a little bit inward, while his foot is externally rotated outward,” says Sutterer, describing a visible “pivot shift” where Beckham’s knee travels forward and inward.

“Unfortunately, this does look like it could be a repeat ACL tear,” he continues, explaining how this underlying mechanism functions. “What’s going on here is the tibia is sliding forward relative to the femur, and the tibia is also internally rotating… Those are the two positions that the ACL is trying to prevent the tibia and femur from moving relative to one another.”

“We have to remember that any of these ligament injuries are on a scale. There can be a partial sprain where it’s not completely torn, in comparison to a full-blown complete rupture… Hopefully this turns out to just be a sprain.”

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